監督・撮影・編集 : 歌川達人
ジャンル:ドキュメンタリー / 2019 / 32:05 / カラー / 日本・カンボジア / 日本語・クメール語 / ステレオ / 16:9 / 製作: Song River Production, Festival Tokyo / 整音:紫藤佑弥
映画祭 / 芸術祭
 フェスティバル/トーキョー2018    アジアシリーズ vol.5 トランス・フィールド "フィールド・プノンペン"インスタレーション上映
 東京ドキュメンタリー映画祭2020 短編コンペティション出品
 International Convention of Asia Scholars 12 Film Festival 2021
本映像は、フェスティバル/トーキョー2018「アジアシリーズ vol.5 トランス・フィールド フィールド:プノンペン」の一環で制作されました。以下リンクに、歌川が監督撮影した「プノンペン在住のアーティストインタビュー映像集」が公開されています。
Short Film  "Tokyo 2018 Phnom Penh"
Director & Cinematographer & Editor: Tatsuhito UTAGAWA
2019 / 32:05 / color / Japan・Cambodia / Japanese & Khmer / stereo / 16:9
Producer: Song River Production, Festival Tokyo / Sound: Yuya Shito
This film is about who you are. It focuses on both Tokyo that will host the Olympic Games in two years and Phnom Penh where the ruling party has won all seats in the National Assembly. It captures these two cities’ images of summer in 2018 through their landscapes and portraits. “What do happiness and love mean to you?” “Who are you?”- People are hit with these questions, which ultimately concern the filmmaker’s existential anxiety of living in Tokyo. To confront it, he embarks on a journey to deconstruct Tokyo’s images in the context of the other, Phnom Penh.
Film Festivals / Art festival
 Festival / Tokyo 2018 Asia Series vol.5: Trans-fields "Fields: Phnom Penh"
 Tokyo Documentary Film Festival 2020 Short Documentary Competition
 International Convention of Asia Scholars 12 Film Festival 2021
Director’s statement
The film hits simple questions to people who live in both cities, Tokyo and Phnom Penh. This way to film is unique because those answers depend on times, nationality, culture, and ages. However, the film tackles an alternative way in which the footage by filming in both countries is mixed. 
I aimed to depict an alternative perspective in the film by hitting the same questions on people who have quite different cultures and values. I was wondering what “love” and “happiness” were for them at that time? While asking a variety of people, I felt that the process of making the film was as if a journey to face those questions without answers. As I had filmed in Phnom Penh, it was politically unstable due to the 2018 Cambodian general election. Therefore, the Cambodian government had tended to restrict journalism and freedom of speech.
Under those circumstances, I had hoped to touch diversity whose various people live in Phnom Penh because it would tend to be abandoned in the tourism information. That is the reason why I had filmed this documentary film.

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